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Hanqing Yu

Hanqing Yu

Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering,Professor, University of Science and Technology of China,China

Prof. Hanqing Yu has been deeply involved in foundational research, technological development, and practical applications in water pollution control for many years. He has made significant contributions in areas such as aerobic granular sludge wastewater treatment technology, the monitoring and operation of wastewater treatment plants, and anaerobic directed conversion technology of pollutants. Prof. Hanqing Yu is a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2006), a Ministry of Education Distinguished Professor (2007), a National Model Teacher (2009), the leader of the Ministry of Education Innovation Team (2012), the leader of the Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation Team (2016), the leader of the National Natural Science Foundation Innovation Group (2018), and a National Advanced Worker (2020). Since 2014, he has been consistently listed as a Highly Cited Researcher in the environmental field by Elsevier, and as a Highly Cited Scientist in cross-disciplinary fields by Clarivate Analytics. As a corresponding/first author, he has published over 600 SCI papers, with more than 30,000 SCI citations and an H-index of 114. His achievements have earned him one National Natural Science Second Prize, one National Science and Technology Progress Award, the 2024 American Chemical Society (ACS) Environmental Science & Technology Outstanding Achievement Award, and six First Prizes at the provincial or ministerial level for science and technology/natural sciences. Under his guidance, one of his graduate students received the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the International Society of Environmental Science and Engineering Professors, three were awarded the National Top 100 Excellent Doctoral Dissertations, and two were nominated for the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations.